High Fiber Diet is a group of fiber artists committed to advancing their art professionally. HFD actively searches for exhibit venues, and members have the opportunity to submit work for juried group exhibitions. High Fiber Diet members challenge themselves to become more educated about art and design principles and to improve creatively on an individual basis. The group meets 7 times per year (February, April, May, July, August, October, and November) on the third Tuesday from 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Venues may change and some meetings are held online. Meetings usually include a discussion topic, updates on current and upcoming exhibits, and sharing of members' current work. For more information about the group, check the HFD blog at www.hfd-highfiberdiet.blogspot.com or contact Pam Pilcher at pilcherpam@gmail.com.

The group is affiliated with Columbia FiberArts Guild of Portland, Oregon

To see information about other exhibits and projects our members are involved with, click on the "Member News" tab below.

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Meeting location change

We will be meeting in three new locations in 2013. See full meeing information in the sidebar.

Georgia French and Diane Born in upcoming exhibits

The same group of artists will present two educational evening sessions.  Feb.12, 2013, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, there will be a SAQA trunk show not previously seen in Oregon, along with artist demonstrations. 
March 21, 2013 during the same evening hours, the film "Stitched" will be shown, followed by artist demonstrations.   

Bonnie Bucknam Speaks at December Clark County Quilters

Crater - Quilt National 2011

Clark County Quilters General Meeting
December 13, 2012, 7 pm
Vancouver Church of Christ
9019 NE 86th Street
Vancouver WA
High Fiber Diet member Bonnie Bucknam will be the featured speaker at the December meeting of the Clark County Quilters.  Bonnie's quilts have won national and international recognition, including Quilt National 2011 Best of Show.  Her quilts are abstract interpretations of the natural world.  Her lecture, Sticks and Stones, takes you through the design and construction processes used in her latest two series of works.  You'll see her evolution as an artist and follow her creative process through the step-by-step construction of some of her recent quilts.
More information  about Bonnie and her work may be found on her website www.handwerktextiles.com or her blog www.handwerktextiles.blogspot.com.

Rhythm and Hues Opening Reception

It was a rainy drive, but a warm reception at the Latimer Quilt and Textile Museum in Tillamook. Here are a couple of views of one wall of the show. I am sorry I did not get photos of other areas. I hope someone might send them to me.

We had a great turn out of the artists and people who came to see the show.

A few more photos from Terry Grant:

Mary Arnold Wins IQF Award

Congratulations to Mary Arnold who won and Honorable Mention for Belles Fleurs at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX in the World of Beauty Art Pictorial category.

You can see all of the winners in all the categories, HERE.

High Fiber Diet Shows - Current and Upcoming

NW Vibes 
show is at the Camas Gallery at the Bush Barn Art Center, October 5-December 1, 2012, as part of Quiltopia 2012. The reception is Friday, November 2, 6-9pm ($10 SAA members, $20 non-members)

Rhythm and Hues
a rich and varied collection of color-infused fiber art by members of High Fiber Diet:
November 6, 2012 –January 6, 2013 at the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center, 2105 Wilson River Loop Rd, Tillamook, OR,
The reception is 12-4pm, November 11, 2012.

Woodburn Art Center: 
exhibition currently showing, and reception already held
We will take down the exhibition on the morning of October 1st
Gallery space within the Singer Hill Cafe, Oregon City: 
 October 2012
The exhibition will be open after we hang the show on Tues. October 2nd. Reception will be Sat Oct 20th, 2 to 5 p.m.
The Oregon Garden: 
January, 2013
The Rogue Gallery:
Medford: March, 2013
Art Reach, Congregational Church:
Sth. Park Blocks, Portland: July 2013

More Elements Photos

Diane Born's husband sent me these photos. Above is earth theme by Christina Brown and fire themes by Mary Arnold and Carol Heist.

This is fire theme by Gerrie Congdon and earth theme by Elizabeth Bamberger.
Here is an over view of the art center from another angle with quilts by Terry Grant, Laura Jaszkowsi, and Linda Christianson.

Elements Debuts in Woodburn

The new Elements exhibit officially debuted at the Woodburn Art Center on Saturday, Sept. 8th. The show looks beautiful hung on the freshly painted walls of the gallery. Above are Emily Stevens, Mary Goodson, Diane Born and Elizabeth Bamburger.

I took some photos and will share a few, here. The show was mainly hung by color and not by the elements. Here are two air pieces by Diane Born and Gerrie Congdon with a water piece by Catherine Beard.

Left to right are earth pieces by Gerrie Congdon, Karen Miller and Bonnie Bucknam. On the right is Mary Goodson's water themed quilt.

This photo is a fire themed quilt by Diane Born, a water quilt by Gerrie Congdon and water/earth? by Mary Arnold.

This is a felted stole by Maarja Paris.

Terry Grant's four pieces which are all the same size were hung as a unit. 

 Here is another photo of the room. I hope some more people showed up after we left!

The Woodburn Art Center is located at  2551 N. Boones Ferry Road, Woodburn, OR 97071 The Art Center is run by volunteers and their hours are Friday and Saturday noon to 3, but they are often open at other times. Please call them at 503-982-6450 if you would like to come at a different time. The show will be at the art center through September 28th.

New Meeting Location!

High Fiber Diet will be meeting at
Colossae Church
12176 SW Garden Place
Tigard, OR 97223
for  the remainder of 2012
The next meeting will be July 17 at 6:30

Northwest Vibes show in Portland at the First Congregational Church

High Fiber Diet’s most recent themed show, NW Vibes, opens June 7, 2012 at ArtReach Gallery, located in the First Congregational United Church of Christ, 1126 SW Park Ave., Portland, OR.  The artists’ reception is on First Thursday, June 7, from 5-8pm, with Celtic music from 5:30-6:30pm, by Kim Swennes. The gallery hours are M-F 10am-2pm, or by appointment. The show runs until July 1.

NW Vibes at the Unitarian Art Wall

NW Vibes opened at the Unitarian Church Art Wall in downtown Portland on Sunday. Diane Born and Chris Brown were the only members to attend the opening. Diane's husband, Fred, took these photos. You can click on the photo to see a larger version.