High Fiber Diet is a group of fiber artists committed to advancing their art professionally. HFD actively searches for exhibit venues, and members have the opportunity to submit work for juried group exhibitions. High Fiber Diet members challenge themselves to become more educated about art and design principles and to improve creatively on an individual basis. The group meets 7 times per year (February, April, May, July, August, October, and November) on the third Tuesday from 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Venues may change and some meetings are held online. Meetings usually include a discussion topic, updates on current and upcoming exhibits, and sharing of members' current work. For more information about the group, check the HFD blog at www.hfd-highfiberdiet.blogspot.com or contact Pam Pilcher at pilcherpam@gmail.com.

The group is affiliated with Columbia FiberArts Guild of Portland, Oregon

To see information about other exhibits and projects our members are involved with, click on the "Member News" tab below.

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Quilt Visions San Diego Virtual Exhibit Opening October 24

Visit the Quilt Visions exhibit at the Visions Art Museum in San Diego. The exhibit opens October 24. You can see the art, learn about the artists and take a virtual tour. Click here.

Mc Callum Spring
c 2020 Bonnie M. Bucknam
66" w x 70" h

Mc Callum Spring, detail

No Shrinking Violets Opens in Lincoln City

High Fiber Diet invites you to the No Shrinking Violets exhibit in Lincoln City.

Check out the gallery tour here.

High Fiber Diet’s exhibit, No Shrinking Violets, opens at the Chessman Gallery in the Lincoln City Cultural Center. The virtual opening begins October 9th and can be viewed on FaceBook. The link to the virtual tour is found on the Chessman Gallery website. The exhibit will be on display until November 9th. . The gallery is open Thursday through Sunday 10 am to 4 pm and by appointment. They are located in the Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy 101, Lincoln City. If you are traveling to Lincoln City, do try to go visit. And if you can't get to the coast, see the show on FaceBook's virtual opening. 

Journeys Exhibition Opens This Month at LaConner

Journeys will open at the Pacific Northwest Quilt and Fiber Arts Museum in la Conner, WA October 28-January 31, 2021. We hope some of you may have an opportunity to see it. The exhibit features 23 fiber wall pieces and two 3D pieces by 17 artists. Due to COVID the jurying format was changed from in person to via digital photograph. Ann Johnston and Sidney Snell did a great job of working digitally to curate a wonderful group of pieces that inspire the theme of Journeys.

The Museum is open regular hours - Wed thru Sunday, 11am - 5pm. However, reservations need to be made before visiting. There's a "Make a Reservation" button/link on the homepage (qfamuseum.org) where visitors can reserve their day and time. The reservations system is in place to help them adhere to state COVID regulations and manage their volunteer needs.

La Conner is a quaint little town with several museums and fun shops. It might make a great winter getaway, masks on, and socially distanced. 

Please contact Jill Hoddick at hoddick@up.edu for further information.

Agony to Joy
Mary Arnold

South Rim, Grand Canyon
Jill P Hoddick

Edgar Hits the Road
Pamela Pilcher

Amazon Sunshine
Marie Murphy Wolfe

Journeys Exhibition Catalog Available


Have your own look at the fabulous artwork in High Fiber Diet's Journeys exhibition. The 7" x 7", 62 page catalog is available for purchase. Cost is $20, with a $5 discount for High Fiber Diet members ($15). If you would like your catalog mailed, please include $2.80 for shipping and handling. Contact Jill Hoddick at hoddick@up.edu to order.