High Fiber Diet is a group of fiber artists committed to advancing their art professionally. HFD actively searches for exhibit venues, and members have the opportunity to submit work for juried group exhibitions. High Fiber Diet members challenge themselves to become more educated about art and design principles and to improve creatively on an individual basis. The group meets 7 times per year (February, April, May, July, August, October, and November) on the third Tuesday from 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Venues may change and some meetings are held online. Meetings usually include a discussion topic, updates on current and upcoming exhibits, and sharing of members' current work. For more information about the group, check the HFD blog at www.hfd-highfiberdiet.blogspot.com or contact Pam Pilcher at pilcherpam@gmail.com.

The group is affiliated with Columbia FiberArts Guild of Portland, Oregon

To see information about other exhibits and projects our members are involved with, click on the "Member News" tab below.

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#OMG That's Fiber! Announces Accepted Artists

#OMG That’s Fiber!

August 8, 2018
The #OMG That’s Fiber! committee would like to announce the members who will
have pieces in this exhibit. Many of the following people have two pieces.
Total number of hanging pieces is 17. Total number of 3D stand-alone pieces is 8.

The following was sent by Trisha Hassler and Donna Guardino:

“WOW” Juror Statement August 6, 2018
Our challenge as jurors was to curate for “Visual Impact”. The pieces contained in this
exhibit have just that. From the original design to the bold use of color, stitching and
form, these fiber artworks invite the viewer to come a little closer and explore. Although
we each brought different background and experience to the selection process, our
points of view were very much in sync. As jurors we are proud of this show and hope
that others will also enjoy the richness of this work.
Donna Guardino
Guardino Gallery, Portland, OR
Trisha Hassler
Mixed Media artist, Portland, OR

We thank you all for your excellent work and look forward to your helping hands as we
travel, educate, and delight the people of the northwest!

The #OMG That’s Fiber! Committee: Jo Noble, Annette MacFarlane, Sherri Culver,
Franki Kohler

Accepted Artists
Mary Goodson 
Sherri Culver 
Noelle Evans 
Jo Noble
Bonnie Bucknam 
Mary Arnold 
Judith Quinn Garnett 
Gerrie Congdon
Marie Wolfe 
Susan Circone 
Sara Shayne Miller 
Pat Fifer
Beverly Woodard 
Jill P. Hoddick 
Pamela Pilcher 
Lulu Moonwood Murakami

Terry Grant 
Amanda Snavely

Call for Entries: Brazil 2019

Zeca Madieros has invited High Fiber Diet members to participate in the 2019 Patchwork Design CONTEMPORÂNEO- Exposição Internacional de Arte Têxtil in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Zeca is asking for work 36" or under in both directions for 2D. 3D work will be considered. Fiber works other than quilts are welcome. Submissions are due September 20, 2018. Zeca plans to select 5 - 15 pieces from HFD.  Work will be turned in at the October 2018 HFD meeting and returned at the August or September 2019 HFD/CFG meetings. You can download the prospectus from the Yahoo Groups Files. More information on the Opportunities page.

Zeca puts on a beautiful exhibit. Please take advantage of this opportunity to exhibit at an international venue.

Fissures: Call for Entries

Has the hot weather or the smoky skies kept you indoors this summer? This is a good time to turn your creative mind to ideas for the art quilt show entitled FISSURES. I have shared this theme with many people and at times I see them pondering the word. So here is the description of the FISSURES (not fishers!) theme:
A fissure is simply a crack, an opening, a separation, a split. Other interpretations include vent, opening, breach, or cleft: A breach in the space/time continuum, or a black hole. A long narrow opening in rock. A volcanic fissure might spew lava, steam or smoke.

A biological fissure may be a split or break in tissue. Our relationships with others may develop fissures, miscommunications, a lack of togetherness.
Artists are encouraged to consider and explore the varieties of meaning, image and experience and follow where that particular fissure takes you.
Registration opens December 8, 2018. You have a little more that three months!
Please save this and share on your social media as this call is open to ALL Art quilters in the US and Canada! Feel free to send me questions if need be. If you are intending to enter this show please leave a comment. Thanks!
Thank you,
Ginny McVickar
Volunteer for 
Emerald Art Center
Springfield, OR