On Feb 1st 5 members of the Green Committee , Jill Hoddick, Mary McLaughlin, Pam Pilcher, Sara Miller and Pat Fifer journeyed to La Conner, WA for the opening reception of "It's Not Easy Being Green" at La Conner Quilt and Textile Museum. We were also joined by two additional Green artists, Susan Circone and Toni Smith. The museum has recently changed its name to Pacific Northwest Quilt and Fiber Arts Museum. It was a wonderful three story Victorian house and held three different exhibits. On the first floor a millinery show, Gwen Marston on the second and Green in the third floor gallery. Although there was a small turnout for the reception, we did talk at length to the Director of the Museum, The President of the Museum Board and a lovely retired teacher who will bring 10 classes of area 5th grade students in to see our quilts. She pumped us for information about our pieces and was thrilled that recycling was involved. There were several quilters who traveled over two hours to see our exhibit.
The trip up and back was delightful - clear sightings of Mt Hood, Mt. St. Helens, Mt Rainier, and Mt Baker gave us lots to look at as well as snow geese and trumpet swans and other wild life near our destination. We made it to La Conner in just over 4 hours - no Seattle traffic if you leave Portland by 9 am. The town is picturesque, quiet at this time of year, and has lots of sites to offer including a quaint river front and lots of shops. We were lucky to have really crisp, cool air and no rain. We had a wonderful seafood meal at The Oyster and Thistle thanks to Marie Murphy Wolf's recommendation. It was attached to our hotel, The La Conner Country Inn (we recommend).
We encourage you all to think about a field trip to La Conner. The exhibit will be up through Sunday April 30. In Feb. and March the Museum is open Wed-Sunday 11-5 and in April, daily 11-5. www.laconnerquilts.org