High Fiber Diet is a group of fiber artists committed to advancing their art professionally. HFD actively searches for exhibit venues, and members have the opportunity to submit work for juried group exhibitions. High Fiber Diet members challenge themselves to become more educated about art and design principles and to improve creatively on an individual basis. The group meets 7 times per year (February, April, May, July, August, October, and November) on the third Tuesday from 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Venues may change and some meetings are held online. Meetings usually include a discussion topic, updates on current and upcoming exhibits, and sharing of members' current work. For more information about the group, check the HFD blog at www.hfd-highfiberdiet.blogspot.com or contact Pam Pilcher at pilcherpam@gmail.com.

The group is affiliated with Columbia FiberArts Guild of Portland, Oregon

To see information about other exhibits and projects our members are involved with, click on the "Member News" tab below.

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See Museum's Photos of HFD Exhibits

Coos Art Musuem has posted its photos of High Fiber Diet's two exhibits now on view at the museum. Click here to go to the Museum's current exhibits page. Click the grey "Take Gallery Tour" box under the HFD exhibit banner to get to the photos.

What a beautiful venue! Congratulations to our HFD exhibitors.

Two High Fiber Diet Exhibits Open at Coos Art Museum

On December 15th the joint “Heat Wave” and ”It’s Not Easy Being Green” exhibits opened at the Coos Art Museum in Coos Bay for their run through February 10th, 2018. There are also several other exhibits showing concurrently which include water colors, wood, felted birds, and gourds.  The Museum was hopping.  Around 200 guests toured through our large first floor gallery space and mingled with our artists. The group asked lots of questions about fiber art and seemed genuinely interested in the work and processes.  Those from HFD in attendance included Mary Arnold, Kimberly Connelly, Mary Goodson, Jill Hoddick, Pat Fifer, Toni Smith, Jo Noble, Franki Kohler, Susan Circone, Sara Miller, Sherrie Moomey, Noelle Evans, and Lulu Moonwood Murakami.

Here are a few photos of our attendees. A great time was had by all.

Article and photos contributed by Jill Hoddick.

Heat Wave Opens December 15 at Coos Art Museum

Where the City Meets the High Desert
c 2017 Elizabeth Bamberger

Heat Wave will be opening in December 15, 2017 at the Vaughn Gallery located in
the Coos Art Museum, 235 Anderson, Coos Bay, Oregon. The reception is on Friday,
December 15, 2017, 5 to 7 pm.

Off the Richter Scale
c 2017 Susan Circone

As an added bonus, the HFD exhibit, “It’s Not Easy being Green,” will be making its
final appearance in conjunction with Heat Wave’s debut!
If you’d like help coordinating carpools to the opening reception, please contact
Noelle Evans at hfdheatwave@gmail.com.

Noelle Evans
Heat Wave Committee Chair

"It's Not Easy Being Green" Show Sales Exceeded Expectations!

Over the course of the "It's Not Easy Being Green" exhibit, 4 pieces of our exhibit's fiber art sold. The two most recent sales include Sara Miller's piece "Keep on Greenin' On" to an individual who originally saw her piece in La Conner, Washington, and Linda Reichenbach's "Good Vibrations" from the Latimer venue. The two earlier sales from previous locations include Terry Grant's "Basilica of Quito" and Pam Pilcher's "Envious Edgar".

Our committee, on behalf of High Fiber Diet, heartily congratulates these 4 artists and all participating "Green" exhibit artists for a fabulous run. We look forward to sharing the gallery at Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay, Oregon, with the "Heat Wave" show for one last viewing from December 15, 2017 to February 11, 2018.

Jill Hoddick, Green Committee Chair

Carol Heist Quilt Added to Brazil Permanent Collection

Congratulations to Carol Heist. Her quilt, Tempus Fugit, was purchased for the permanent collection of Contemporaneo Patchwork Design in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Tempus Fugit, detail
Carol Heist

Tempus Fugit
Carol Heist

Check Out the New Columbia FiberArts Guild Newsletter!

Columbia FiberArts Guild newsletter here.

Founder of Patchwork Design Contemporaneo Brazil to Speak at October 17 Meeting

Zeca Medeiros will be the guest speaker at the High Fiber Diet meeting on Tuesday, October 17 at 1:30pm.  Zeca has chosen 26 works from Columbia FiberArts Guild and High Fiber Diet submissions to be part of the 2018 Patchwork Design Contemporaneo exhibition to be held in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Curitiba, Brazil. He will be here to discuss the exhibit and to see the current work of our members. All CFG members are invited and encouraged to join us at the High Fiber Diet meeting. 

Zeca Medeiros is the curator of the CONTEMPORANEO, the first artistic quilts exhibition in Latin America. His visionary view and work has provided understanding of contemporary quilt as part of the visual arts, gaining recognition from the media and the public. Over the years the exhibition has featured arts from various countries and it is currently visited by thousands of people.

In addition to presenting the history of CONTEPORÂNEO exhibition, Zeca will address in his talk topics such as:  What is necessary to organize the show, the criteria for selecting arts, textile art in Latin America and especially the NEW CURATING PROPOSAL for the coming years. During the lecture, images and videos will be presented for a better understanding of the covered topics.

Also, Zeca is interested in seeing current work from our members.  Please bring one of your current or representative works to show.

The meeting will be held at Crossroads Church, 2505 NE 102nd Avenue in the Gateway area of Portland, south of I-84 and east of I-205. Meeting will be held in the separate building located at the south end of the south parking lot. Please do not park in the row directly in front of the building. Portland police use the building as a rest area, and first row parking is reserved for police vehicles. There is no admission charge for the lecture, but a $1 room fee contribution is encouraged.

Hope to see you there!
Bonnie Bucknam
Brazil Exhibition Coordinator

The Green Committee is happy to share that Pam Pilcher's Envious Edgar the Pig quilt sold at Latimer Quilt and Textile Museum. It was purchased by someone from Los Angeles. Great for Pam, us, and for the Museum.

Congratulations Pam! We hope Edgar enjoys his new home—we'll miss him!

It's Not Easy Being Green!

Sunday, September 10 "It's Not East Being Green" celebrated with an artist reception at Latimer Quilt and Textile Museum in Tillamook. There were over 60 visitors and artists who attended throughout the afternoon. Our exhibit fit the space well and many folks commented that they loved reading the gallery tag stories along with viewing the works. There were many positive comments about our work and many viewers were amazed at our creativity and the varied responses to the theme.

The Latimer folks were thrilled with the reception turnout and can't wait to see what we come up with next!

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Sale from It's not Easy Being Green show

The "It's Not Easy Being Green" Committee is proud to announce the sale of Terry Grant's piece, Basilica of Quito, from our exhibit showing at La Conner Quilt and Textile Museum. Congratulations Terry!

The exhibit is down now, and will reappear in Keizer, OR at the City Hall on June 2.

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Members' work in Brazil

Here's a link to a Brazilian TV News segment about the current Contemporâneo Exhibition and Patchwork Design 2017 . Several High Fiber Diet members have work in the exhibit

The segment is in Portuguese, but you can see a few of the quilts and a short interview with Barbara O'Steen, a member of the Contemporary QuiltArt Association in Seattle.

"It Isn't Easy Being Green" at La Conner Quilt Center

On Feb 1st 5 members of the Green Committee , Jill Hoddick, Mary McLaughlin, Pam Pilcher, Sara Miller and Pat Fifer journeyed to La Conner, WA for the opening reception of "It's Not Easy Being Green" at La Conner Quilt and Textile Museum. We were also joined by two additional Green artists, Susan Circone and Toni Smith. The museum has recently changed its name to Pacific Northwest Quilt and Fiber Arts Museum. It was a wonderful three story Victorian house and held three different exhibits. On the first floor a millinery show, Gwen Marston on the second and Green in the third floor gallery. Although there was a small turnout for the reception, we did talk at length to the Director of the Museum, The President of the Museum Board and a lovely retired teacher who will bring 10 classes of area 5th grade students in to see our quilts. She pumped us for information about our pieces and was thrilled that recycling was involved.  There were several quilters who traveled over two hours to see our exhibit.

The trip up and back was delightful - clear sightings of Mt Hood, Mt. St. Helens, Mt Rainier, and Mt Baker gave us lots to look at as well as snow geese and trumpet swans and other wild life near our destination.  We made it to La Conner in just over 4 hours - no Seattle traffic if you leave Portland by 9 am.  The town is picturesque, quiet at this time of year, and has lots of sites to offer including a quaint river front and lots of shops. We were lucky to have really crisp, cool air and no rain. We had a wonderful seafood meal at The Oyster and Thistle thanks to Marie Murphy Wolf's recommendation. It was attached to our hotel, The La Conner Country Inn (we recommend).

We encourage you all to think about a field trip to La Conner. The exhibit will be up through Sunday April 30. In Feb. and March the Museum is open Wed-Sunday 11-5 and in April, daily 11-5. www.laconnerquilts.org